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Helping to grow


AstraZeneca is an Anglo–Swedish multinational pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical company.

AstraZeneca is a long-standing client of ours, with a working relationship stretching back over 15 years. We provide a whole range of marketing support for a number of departments in their Alderley and Macclesfield campuses. The Garden have designed brands and guidelines, microsites and iPad web apps, internal promotions, presentations and newsletters, and a whole host of print and internal communications.

  • Branding
  • Print Design
  • Digital Support
  • App development
  • Signage

200 sqft campaign manifestation at Macclesfield Campus

SHE starts with me campaign support

iPad web application design and development

Intranet Microsite design and development

Internal campaign support

Site rules application design and development

Identity system for the SHE Starts with Me campaign

Identity system for Astrazeneca FM

“We've worked with Andy and Steve for nearly 15 years now, and really value their input on all kinds of projects. They have so much experience in online, branding, and print – and a real can-do attitude.”

Monthly internal newsletter

MY Golden Rules campaign development

Design and print support

Internal signage and wayfinding design

Information marketing design and print support

Internal and external signage / wayfinding design

The fruits of our labour

© The Garden Creative Marketing Limited, part of the TRIBES network